Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Druid-at-Large: A Conversation with Sophia Kelly-Shultz

Sophia Kelly Shulz has been a regular at MAGUS since it began, and we're excited that she will be back this year as a visiting artist and workshop leader.  

I met Sophia at MAGUS 2018 for the first time, and remember her kindness to me. Coming from upstate NY, and thinking it would be "a lot warmer" in VA,  I had not brought a warm-enough jacket and was a little chilly.  Sophia was worried about me freezing, and invited me to ride down to her tent at Four Quarters, where, after rummaging around a bit,  found me a nice warm sweater that got me through the weekend.  

She is a delightful lady, and I'm honored to interview her!

Me:  Hi Sophia!  It's so nice catching up with you again.  Can you tell our readers a little about yourself?  

Sophia:  I am an artist, a writer, a needleworker, a follower of the shamanic path, and a listener.  I am a recovering cult member (another thing knocked off my Alternate Bucket List—The Things I Didn't Realize Were on My Bucket List—which, incidentally,  includes taking down a drug dealer.)  I am Mama So, the darling of Millennial rave attendees. 

I am the author of The Stone Circle Oracle, with which I'll be doing readings at MAGUS; co-author of The Promethean Oracle (ditto), and co-author of an upcoming book called Encounters with the Witch Doctor.

 I live in Pottsville, Pennsylvania with my husband, two Springer Spaniels, and a small cat who can no longer be characterized as “bad” anymore, as my daughter's cat has far outstripped him in badness, and am an accidental quilter.  My shamanic robe, which you may have seen in previous years, has now been twice awarded, including first place in a gallery show at Artful Dimensions in Fredericksburg VA.  It will also been on display at Sacred Threads, a biannual spiritual art quilt exhibition in Herndon VA.  My quilted robe won first prize at my first-ever gallery show!!

Me:  I fell in love with that coat last year and wish I had the time
Sophia's Beautiful Coat
and patience to create something like that!  It's gorgeous - such a work of art - and congratulations on winning first prize.  Well deserved!
What are you most looking forward to about MAGUS?

Sophia:  I'm just excited to see everyone!

Me:   We're excited to see you too!  Tell us a little about your workshop, "Volcanoes in the Basement?" 

Sophia:  This theme has to do with accessing your inner fire even when you're feeling blocked, but it is also about using our inner fire to help others to overcome anything blocking their access to their own inner fire.  It's kind of like priming the pump!

Madame Pele (Karen's Altar)
Me:  Speaking of fiery volcanoes, last year I was very much drawn to one of your paintings:  "Madame Pele."  My grandmother grew up in Hawaii and my great-grandmother wrote a book called "The Volcano Kilauea" way back in 1916, which evoked such a wonderful spirit of that place.  Your painting captured Madame Pele's her fierce, wild and gentle spirit so beautifully that I was compelled to bring her home.  I remember asking you how you came to paint her and you said that when you went to Hawaii, she was very insistent that you paint her, and at first you didn't want to, but finally she convinced you.  I'm glad you did!   That small print I bought from you last year has been sitting on my "Fire" altar ever since!

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me!  I'm looking forward to seeing you next month!

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