Friday, July 11, 2014

Age is Just a Number

Mom, May 2014

A couple years ago my now-77 year old Mom said to me,  "Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don't recognize that old lady I see there.  That's not me!  Inside I'm young and feel like I can do anything!  What happened?"

Youthful Me, September 1980
I know the feeling, Mom.  

Today was one of those days.  Hitting menopause didn't bother me, and I didn't expect it to because I like who I am now, and have never identified myself by my looks or fertility anyway.  It just wasn't all that important to me.  Getting older is just part of life, but there has been one little side effect I'm not fond of. . . weight gain.

Yup, close to 15 lbs. in the past year, even though I've been eating healthy, whole, real foods, drinking plenty of water, walking most days and working in the garden!  What gives? 

I've always been pretty active - not "athletic" - but walking/hiking, swimming, dancing, running, and keeping moving for most of my life.  A few years ago I even trained to do a short triathlon.  (Disclaimer:  I actually didn't DO one; that wasn't the goal - the goal was getting into the kind of shape that I COULD do one).  But, that's me - I've always been more about setting goals for "personal bests," than competing with other people.   

Mom & Me, May 2014
A few weeks ago I decided to lose this extra 15 lbs. & get back into shape, so started running with my husband a few days a week.  Then I joined a deep water aerobics class at the "Y."  Since that went well (even though I haven't yet lost any weight) today I decided I was ready to run 1.5 miles AND see how far I could swim afterwards.  Answer:  10 lengths.  Not quite "triathlon" distance anymore!

Dad, Mom & a path to the sea, May 2014
So, after I woke up from my post-adventure 2-hour nap. . .I decided it was high time to fulfill a childhood dream of diving in the "deep water" (o.k., so "The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau" was one of my favorite shows as a kid - yup, I was a weird kid :-) and getting my dive (as in SCUBA) certification before my next birthday.  I have always loved the sea & since I was a "Navy Brat," got to spend many happy years in it, on it, or near it.  Snorkeling is fun, but I'm ready to find out how it compares to my Dream of the Deep!

And off I go!


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