Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Dragon Dream

The other night I dreamed of four dragons rising up from their Elements to take back and heal the World.    

Green, brown, and gold Earth came because we have raped her, drilling and blasting deep into her caves, polluting her soil, poisoning her seeds and trees.  Blue and green Water rose to protest the dead oceans, rivers and lakes we have poisoned, and the things we have dumped into her, killing and maiming her creatures.  Silver, purple and blue Air, came for the smoke, smog, and filth we have put into his skies; and golden and red Fire, for all the years we have prevented his natural occurrence in the interest of “protecting valuable real estate.”  The four dragons rose up in clouds of dirt and rock; water and foam; wisp and vapor; smoke and fire.  They spoke of the terrible damage and evil humans have done to them, and their rage brought earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and walls of flames.

I rode silently on the back of Earth for a time, for it is she, and her sister, Water, which I know the best and connect with most.  Earth flowed through rocks and caves, traveling beneath the surface of our planet, and when we surfaced, I mounted the back of Water, who plunged me into the icy cold fluid’s dark and surrounding depths.  

Others  I knew rode the backs of Fire and Air, and were told as I was told, “Look what you’ve done to our World.  We birthed you, we nurtured you, we helped you to grow, we cared for and sustained you, and you returned our care by forgetting, abusing, and neglecting us.  Instead of love and gratitude you have turned your backs on us, and become as a cancer, spreading your poison in all of the Realms.  What right do you have, thinking you own us; thinking you control us; thinking you can to do us as you please?  What right do you have to your arrogance, believing in your supremacy, caring not for your home, using and destroying and with no thought for the consequences?   We dragons have remained silent for more than a thousand years, but we can do so no longer.  We must live, free and natural as we are, and you humans must learn to live within our boundaries, and not the other way!  Your religions, your governments, your intolerance, selfishness and self-interest have destroyed so much; and your failure to understand, and your hatred of ‘others’ has killed millions upon millions of our creatures and threatens our World; your home. Have you become so apart from your Mothers and Fathers that we have become irrelevant?  Do you care at all?  And if you do not, why should we continue to care for you, let along tolerate you?  Earth and Air and Fire and Water are forever and will exist long after your kind is gone.  You need us far more than we need you, and we have had enough!  And now it is time for you to answer a question:

“Will you find a balance and learn to work with us, or must we purge you?

And then they were gone.

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